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DBS at Singapore Fintech Festival

Interactive Screens + Square LCD Controlled Projection

Our initial challenge was this: How do we make sophisticated finance information more engaging? Instead of traditional data and infographics, we developed a hybrid experience featuring interactive touchscreens and square LCD-controlled projection. 

To kick-start the project, we consulted with each business unit at DBS to gain deeper insights into their content. With this knowledge, our team of experienced UI and UX designers used Figma to create visually stunning and user-friendly designs.

We incorporated interactive touchscreens that are pre-loaded with different formats of content, allowing guests to obtain information on their own. 

We have also introduced another display solution using a 1:1 aspect ratio touch screen TV to control a projector, displaying infographics and motion graphics created by our design team. This enables presenters to showcase vast amounts of data in a concise and captivating manner, making it much easier for guests to comprehend.

The result? A complete reinvention of how sophisticated finance information is presented to the festival attendees - a true game-changer!

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Urban Solutions and Sustainability R&D Congress


ByBit Booth @ Singapore Blockchain Festival

We were commissioned to develop a digital and tech-driven visitor experience for the Bybit booth at Singapore Blockchain Festival. 

From visitor’s registration to information displays, our team worked closely with Bybit to transform complex information and present them through different methods such as transparent LCD screen and interactive kiosk. 

Our team was involved in every aspect, from software development and animation to hardware provisions. 



We were entrusted with creating a multimedia solution that includes a launch mechanism and an interactive touchscreen to effectively showcase SGTradEx to the guest of honor. 

We worked closely with the client to develop the interactive touchscreen application that would captivate the audience and simplify complex information. We also created the launch mechanism animation. 

Our team was responsible for every aspect of the development process, including the design of the user interface and software as well as the provision of hardware.


CNB Anti-Drug Vending Machine

We were commissioned by CNB to develop interactive vending machines for their Anti-drug campaign, which were deployed to various public libraries. These vending machines were programmed to collect participant information and quiz results. 

Once participants completed the quiz and provided their information, the machines would dispense a gift. 

In addition, we provided a report for our client to effectively reach out to their target audience and for post-campaign analysis. From software development to animation design and hardware provision, our team handled all aspects of the interactive vending machines.